作者 主题: 《老子》第八章  (阅读 6812 次)


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« 于: 2011-12-24 15:55:29 »

Luohan comprehension:
In the last chapter,Lao-Tzu said that we must think about others before yourself,then we can realize the value of life with maximum. In the last chapter it told the major principle,now we talk about what we should do.
上善若水。水善利万物而不争——The highest excellence is like(that of water). The excellence of water appears in its benefiting all things,and in its occupying,without striving(to the contrary).
处众人之所恶,故几于道——The low place which all men dislike(man struggles upwards,water follws downstairs).Hence(its way)is near to(that of)the Tao(realize the value of life by the way). Though Lao-Tzu was in the spring and autumn period,but it was close to the period of Yao,Shun and Yu,even close to the period of the Duke of Zhou. Though the moral codes of the spring and autumn period was decline,but the culture spirit of gentle,modest ,courteous,restrained and magnanimous are inherited. Because there had not the imperial examination system,so it used to select national government officials through the village reputation selection. So at that time,if a person really can do that:
居善地,心善渊。与善仁,言善信。政善治,事善能,动善时——The excellend of residened is in(thesuita of the;That of the mind is in abysmal stillness; that of associations is in their being with the virtuous;that of government is in its securing good order; that of  (the condut of )affairs if in its ability; and that of(the initation of)any movement is in its timeliness.
夫唯不争,故无尤——His only true,therefore no especially.
In the eyes of the public,the sage has no mistake, in the options of the custodians of society.
Now many people read《Lao-Tzu》,explaining the sage on the point of modern time and think there is a pedantry in today's society. But if we learn about the times which Lao-Tzu lived in,we will find that Lao-Tzu has taught us how to become a sage and become the custodians of society.
If we take a harder look again,we would find out the standards of selecting the sage by Lao-Tzu,especially In Hongkong、Taiwan and many electoral system in the world had been verifed by the practice of human-being,besides in the centralized system of ranks. And there is some different between the election,it differs from that
the Philosophy of Lao-Tzu,but on second thoughts,at the time of election,they promises to do something about it,Like the guarantee or the military order. When he takes office,the voter needs to make sure if he can remember to carry out his promise. Except the mistake and the election or the low energy that can not for re-election.
So all you see is the expense of official business in Hongkong is less than that in China. And the U.S. ambassador to China like the civil servants“check in”for work. The lunch of the vice-president is a few dozen yuan at the snack stalls one of the side streets and not to be surprised. Because,if they dont 's,they will be accused by voters then he need step down.
The question really you have to ask,when do politician return back the ideal social patterns that have experienced by the Chinese people.

« 最后编辑时间: 2017-07-09 22:59:03 作者 水木罗汉 »