作者 主题: 《老子》第六章  (阅读 6887 次)


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« 于: 2011-12-23 18:25:28 »
一.   人类对于女性生殖器的留恋与崇拜,不应当仅仅归结为原始宗教的作用。应当象弗洛伊德说的那样,是人生理和心理的一种自然皈依。
二.   把“玄牝”仅仅解释为“不是一般的女性生殖器”未免十分肤浅和粗糙。“玄”字在这里固然有大的意思。但还有玄远、幽深的意思,也有玄元第一的意思,还有确指玄鸟之牝的意思。

Luohan comprehension:
I remind that everyone focus attention on the historicl fact,that
Confucius not caring the hard journey to visit Lao-Tzu,consulted hi m on the《易》. There is a theory of《易》is“观天察地,类万物之情”(observe the sky and the earth, love all things in the world). “观天察地”is easy to understand ,there is no need to say m
ore. I think it necessary to talk about the“情”in the sentence“类万物之情”. “情”is made of“心”and“青”. The meaning of“情”is pure and innocent,almost invariably the mahjong. “心”(heart)is the main organ of the human body. The meaning of “情”is just core without impurities of the nature of reality.
     With the same questions as Lao-Tzu,we start the journey to explore the universe. What is the power of the universe to creat the world?In order to answer this question,we must left the earth and see the essence by the phenomenon.
    谷神不死,是谓玄牝——The valley spirit dies not,aye the same;The female mystery thus do we name.
玄牝之门,是谓天地根——Its gate,from which at first they issued forth,is called the root from which grew heaven and earth.
绵绵若存,用之不勤——Long and unbroken does its power remain,used gently,and without the touch of pain.
In view of the above-mentioned comprehension,there will be no objection to it. We had went through the females procreation adoration period. No matter the historical document or the folklore told us,we were the descendant of Nuwa. The descendant of Shang Dynasty said their ancestors had eat the eggs of Xuan bird and then multiply. So the word“玄牝” reveal multiple meaning by Lao-Tzu:the genital of Xuan bird;the deep and mysterious genital;the origins of the world. Finally he called it“天地根”(the root of Heaven and Earth). His point had deserved recognition by the Confucian. The classical Confucian document the“丘陵为牡(the hills are positive genitalia),溪谷为牝(the valley is feminine genitalia). The psychologist of Freud who Influenced China had said:“The uterus is the first shelter of human,for it enjoyable and security,So many people attachment to it).
But Yulan Feng talk about the word“牝”in Lao-Tzu means the feminine genitalia. It is a primitive religion and representing the genitilia. That is not only a general genitalia but the Xuan bird:
一、   The worship of feminine genitalia by human should not be attributed to the primitive religions. It should be attributed to the need for physical and phychology attachment.
二、   It is so superficial to explained the word“玄牝”by“not only a general genitalia”. “玄”in here not only means lerge but also means profound,deep and referred to the“玄鸟之牝”.
      At last,I want to remind you attention to the story which Confucius come to visit Lao-Tzu for《易》 and Lao-Tzu was the sage at that time. The word“神”in《易》means out of nowhere,like the lightning,so it is“不测谓之神”,not in any way superstitious. So,“谷神”in here means conceiving and harbor life is unpredictable. Such as to emphasized the importance of eugenic procreation in the book《人学启蒙》by me. Can the human control the breeding system as if they are in the laboratory?

« 最后编辑时间: 2017-07-09 22:38:41 作者 水木罗汉 »