作者 主题: 《老子》第三章  (阅读 7098 次)


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« 于: 2011-12-22 17:20:04 »

Luohan comprehension:
不尚贤,使民不争——Not to value and employ men of superior ability is the way to keep the people from rivalry among themselves.
不贵难得之货,使民不为盗——Not to prize articles which are difficult to procure is the way to keep them from becoming thieves.
不见可欲,使民心不乱——Not to show them what is likely to excite their desires is the way to keep their minds from disorder.
是以圣人之治,虚其心,实其腹,弱其志,强其骨——Therefore the sage,in the exercise of his government,empties their minds,fills their bellies,weakens their wills,and strengthens their bones.
The argument is quit different between the general scholar. The differences of explanations are at the word “虚”and“志”. “虚其心”means without desire by some of the general scholars,it 's better to say that“purity their minds” but it is more pf a peaceful and humble status. “弱其志”has been said to depress and sap their spirits. So the thoughts of Lao-Tzu would be marked with the labels negative and inhibited are necessary. The cause of misconceptions is from the understanding of“志”. For the revolutionaries“志”means to be a positive person and striving for the ideal. To this understanding,I may say that half of this is right. When we look carefully we can see the writing of the character“志”:Above it is the word“士”and the below is the word“心”. Many people explain the meaning of the word is each man(士)should has the heart (the thought、ideals and aspirations),but they did not really look at the word“士”. It originally from the word“干”what has been set vertically. —— A weapons of ancient times. Now the weapon is not outwars but point towards the center. This illustrates the descendant that only the braves who point at themselves rather than the innocent should be dare to challenge,to be self-discipline and perseverance. Now we talk about “弱其志”of Lao-Tzu. Here use the word“弱”,it is not to sap your spirits,but to weaken the will——set high targets for youself and transcend  their limits. In the real life we can see,whether Liuxiang or the coach of him,continues to establish the concept of “being the number one. In order to reach the quarterfinals of the last Olympic Chinese basketball,Yao Ming struggle in the game with his foot injury had not yet well and barely into the quarterfinals,had won our country honour in the Olympics,but he finally ended the career prematurely. In America's NBA where emphasis on individual heroism do not advocate this“志”because it overdraft the life. They would rather pay a salary to Yao Ming instead of push him into the game. It's not hard to see that the athete of the conpetitions of cups and medals will not live long,and the disabled ones are endless.
常使民无知无欲,使夫智者不敢为也。—— He constantly (tries to)keep them without knowledge and without desire,and where there are those who have knowledge,to keep them from presuming to act(on it). 
It needs to be stressed the word“知”and“智”. “知”is consist of“失”and“口”. In ancient times,“知”was equated with the word“智”. The primary interpretation is:a man who has a target went off like an arrow. Then the word“知”means“知道”,also means understand the goals,so add a word“日”below the“知”change to the word“智”( bright sunny shine around). The difference between“知”and“智”is:知,only means knows;智:not only means knows but also means know clearly. Therefore the former  one means know the knowledge while the last one means intellence and wisdom.
So notice the words “知”and“智”in here is said to be“lack”and“excessively”,this is my understanding of Lao-Tzu.
为无为,则无不治—— Actually if the word“为”revert to the tradional character,we could easily recognize it's a four-legged horse-like animal. The animal always running against the wind. Only we know this point,we will really understand“无为”by Lao-Tzu,it is means not to run against the wind,not to inverse the laws of nature,not to adverse the trend of the society. So “无为”in here means if we do not adverse the trend of society,so no matter the ecological management or the social management that can do well.

« 最后编辑时间: 2017-07-09 22:31:43 作者 水木罗汉 »