作者 主题: 《老子》第一章  (阅读 7335 次)


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« 于: 2011-12-22 04:21:02 »
《老子》 第一章
Luohan comprehension:
The word of “道”,it consist of the word“首”and “走”。“首”is the head of people,the first meaning of “道”is someone walking. When somebody is walking,the underlying motives and feelings of a person is proceed from one point to another,from A to B. With the man walking from one point to another,he will along a determined direction and in order to achieve certain aims. We are in order to get something no matter to explore or to find. Because of this,the way people come out,leaves the most beautiful footprints. It is the transformation of the associative compound character “道”,which from the verb(walk)to noun(way). Lao-Tzu realized the higher consciousness from the discovery of people 's lives.
道可道,非常道——The Chinese character “道”that mentioned here which is not the road we see but the way seek for through the growing regularity of all things in nature.
名可名,非常名——The Chinese character “名”that mentioned here which is means the probing into nature could be discussed,not the name we said in general. For example,the road ahead of you,the white horse,the black cat and so on,they always have the concrete objects. But “名” that mentioned here which has been separated from the concrete objects but the abstract objects. Such as the road ahead of you is the concrete object,but
when we are discussing about the way we realize the goal is the abstract object.
     无名天地之始,有名万物之母——Everything on the earth have no names originality,such as the cat and the dog we named. It is not in instinctive but given by the man in order to distinguish them. So everything on the earth have no names originality,since they have names,the human began to cognize the natural world and human society.
     故常无欲以观其妙,常有欲以观其徼——So it stimulate the human curiosity to observe the growth and development of everything on the earth ,with no desire and material gain. But once we have the desire and material gain,we will make further define and distinguish to them.
     两者同出而异名,同谓之玄——Whether we find the unity in diversity or to compare the differences between the two,The ultimate aim is to put them in order. 
      玄之又玄,众妙之门——We could appreciate the wonder of nature in finding the unity in diversity and comparing the differences between the two by put them in order.
      Now I put the comprehension together to see if it correspond to fundamental spirit of Lao-Tzu.
 The Chinese character “道”that mentioned here which is

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