作者 主题: 《老子》第十二章  (阅读 6296 次)


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« 于: 2011-12-25 11:03:44 »
Luohan comprehension:
In the last chapter,Lao-Tzu emphasise that ethereal is much effectiveness than reality under certain conditions. Such as the house,sometimes the foreigner with a deep sense than Chinese by metaphor of Lao-Tzu. In 1946,Liang Sicheng visit the United States whom as the Chinese representative of the UN Headquarters Building Site Committee,he come to visit Wright whom is the world-famous modern architects of America. Wright asked him what is the reason for vsiting the U.S.? Liang Sicheng replied him he came to learn the architectural theory. While Wright waved and said:“go back!The best architectural theory is in China”. Then he recited the articles of Lao-Tzu:“凿户牗以为室,当其无,有室之用”(open doors and windows on the wall,so the house can be useful)He then said to Liang Sicheng,this is the best architectural theory.  Later the America take the motto of Lao-Tzu as the school motto and then wrote it on the wall of the campus. What I meant by that example was this,the foreigner has a better comprehension than Chinese on the book《Lao-Tzu》. You know,Liang Sicheng was really a master builders of China.
In this chapter,Lao-Tzu had further articulated the simple and complicated pros and cons.
五色令人目眩,五音令人耳聋,五味令人口爽——The colours of five hues(green、red、yellow、white and black) blinds the eyes;The music of five notes(gong、shang、jiao、zhi、yu) deafens the ears;The flavours of five(sour、sweet 、bitter、hot and salty)dulls the plate.
驰骋畋猎,令人心发狂,难得之货,令人行妨——The chariot course,and the wild hunting waste. Make mad the mind;and objects rare and strange. Sought for,men’s conduct will to evil change.
是以圣人为腹不为目,故去彼取此——Therefore the sage seeks to satisfy(the carving of)the belly,and not the (insatiable longing of the eyes). He puts from him the latter,and prefers to seek the former.
    By the time you read this ,think of today’s society,the five colour,five notes and the five flabvours,realize that mass media was plastered with advertisement. The five colour,five notes and the fiver flabvours,get to the dizzy、deaf and numb.

« 最后编辑时间: 2017-07-11 06:38:22 作者 水木罗汉 »