作者 主题: 《老子》第十章  (阅读 6886 次)


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« 于: 2011-12-24 21:52:19 »
第一,   我把“离”讲成了“光明”。依据是“离为火、为明”,不是好些学者讲的“分离”,分离一说,是“离”字后期的引申意。
第二,   我把“无为”讲成不倒行逆施。因为我认定老子的“无为而无不为”是说“只要我们不倒行逆施,就什么都可以做”的意思。依据是“为”乃是常常逆风而行的四蹄动物。
第三,   我把“雌”讲成“坤”。坤卦土有顺从、包容、守静、任劳任怨等美德。我手持的这个版本的解释则是:“为雌,即守雌。直译是象母性生殖器那样保持安静柔弱”。
Luohan comprehension:
In the last chapter we learn about how to quit at the top while  the perfect opportunity,and conform the natural law,in this chapter we will talk about how to follow the nature law.
载营魄抱一,能无离乎——When the intelligent and animal souls are held together in one embrace,they can be kept from separating.
专气致柔,能如婴儿乎——When one gives individed attention to the (vital)breath,and brings it to the utmost degree of pliancy,he can become as a(tender)babe.
Above two sentences,we understand that if a man put the heart in calmness and keep the mind in peace and become as a tender babe,then he will not eager for a quick success. What is the initial condition of a first born like?When hungry,eat;when tired,sleep;wanna pee,cry with pain and dance for joy,show its actual,lively and natural life.
涤除玄鉴,能无疵乎?爱民治国,能无为乎——When he has cleansed away the most mysterious sights(of his imagination),he can become without a flaw.
天门开阖,能无雌乎?明白四达,能无知乎——In loving the people and ruling the state,cannot be proceed without any (purpose of)action?While his intelligence reaches in every direction,cannot he(appear to)be without knowledge?
In here,apparently,interpret the chapter in my own way.
First,the meaning of“离”is“光明”(bright). That's based on“离为火,为明”(离is fire and bright). Not the meaning“分离”(separated). “分离”is the extended sense.
Second,“无为”means we should just follow the natural laws. The sentence“无为而无不为”of Lao-Tzu means“you could do anything if it isn't perverse.”That 's according to the word“为”is the four-legged animals which proceed in the face of headwinds.
Third,“雌”means“坤”. The Kun Diagram(坤卦)means obedience,tolerant,calm ,grin and bear. And the edition in my hand explained by“the female and cleaves to what is female,literally explained by the female genitals that is quiet and delicate ” .
We could see that the author of this version in my hand fails to recognize I Ching.
生之蓄之,生而不有,为而不恃,长而不宰,是谓玄德——(The Tao)produces(all things)and nourishes them;it produces them and does not claim them as its own;it does all,and yet does not boast of it;it presides over all,and yet does not control them. This is what is called‘The Mysterious Quality’(of the Tao).
“德”to be interpreted as“achievement and harvest”,is the proposition of Lao-Tzu which“德”is “得”. Not the virture in common sense.
From the early chapters we can see the《道德经》which wrote by Lao-Tzu taught us the way to get what you want or the purpose in life. That’s all —— “道”is the way and“德”is to get.
We can dismantles the word“德”separates by “双人旁”and“十目一心”. “双人旁”means between people,“十目”increase five people,“一心”means the five people are of one mind,they all agree on. That is,if you want to get from others or he want get from you,that will be permissioned by the other five people. That is to say“A gentleman makes money in a right way”. So the first interpretion of“德”in《楚辞》is“德者,得也”(to get),and the second interpretion of“德”is the social appraisal,we will follow the first meaning to understand it.


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